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With all metal gear including the output shaft and ball bearing support this servo gives a precise and smooth motion, providing 14kg/cm of torque it's one of the most compact servos in it's class
With daisy chain serial communication the cable routing is not a problem anymore. It also helps in keeping the weight as low as possible and much less wiring and communication failures.
With it's unique design the legs allow the robot to crouch easily. The idea is to improve the defensive motions during fights by lowering the centre of gravity.
The new bottom sole design improves the stability during standing and walking, allowing you to make more with the robot.
The default version uses 'dummy servos' as joints for a future easy to upgrade situation. You can upgrade the robot with 5 extra servos and all your previous motions will be compatible. No more redoing all motions when you add extra degrees of freedom.
With the nre KRC-5FH you can remote control the robot remotely using a digital interface. No more analog RC issues.
Heart to Heart 4 v.1.2 EN This is the latest Officially Translated version of Heart to Heart 4 (on rare occasions some messages may still show in Japanese)
ICS Manager 3.5 EN Enables changing Servo IDs and a number of Configurations and Parameters on the servos.
RCB 4 Serial Protocol
libkondo4: contributed by community memberchrisvo this is a C library that exposes and encapsulates all the RCB4 Serial Protocol commands. The library also encapsulates Serial Commands for the ICS 3.0 Serial Protocol (to directly control ICS 3.0 Servos such as the KRS 2552HV used in KHR 3HV)
Documentation for Playing Motions: resulting of analysing libkondo, RoboSavvy prepared this guidance document with the Serial packets necessary to Stop Play and Query Execution Status for Motions APython Example is available for download (you need Python and the PySerial library to run it).
Forum thread about interfacing the RCB4 Serial port with an external MCU (pinouts, signal levels, ...)
Kit contents
Lightweight anodized aluminium frame
Reinforced resin servo brackets
17 x KRS-2552RHV ICS Servos
USB adapter
CD with manual and sample motions
Screws, nuts and all required accessories for assembly
Software compatibility
OS: WindowsXP SP2 or later, requires Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 Windows 10 driver can be downloadedhere
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Tutti i marchi citati sono di proprietà delle rispettive case e produttori.
Informazioni aziendali
ROBOT DOMESTICI SRL - Via Cornelio Labeone, 70 - 00174 Roma (RM)
Partita IVA IT15791431008 - REA di Roma n. RM 1614298
Tel. (+39) 06 76971136 | e-mail: